Top brands leather bags and wallets with large discount at sale
Here you will find the most beautiful bags and accessories for a sharp price. Maes & Hills regularly puts bags of well-known brands, such as The Bridge, Piquadro and Eastpak, in sale. With discounts that can be as high as 70%, you can save a lot of money. Please take a look, maybe you'll find your leather bag or wallet of your dreams!
Patrizia Pepe 2V8504 Handbag
Regular Price €258.00 Special Price €99.0062% discount -
Kipling Seoul Lap
Regular Price €99.00 Special Price €67.9531% discount
Take advantage of the sale and order your leather bag now online at
Visit regularly the sale page in our webshop, take advantage of the sharp prices and order your bag online at or become Maes & Hills fan and like us on facebook. You will be the first to see when special promotions are available. And do you want some extras? Become a friend of Maes & Hills and you and your friend will receive a discount of € 7.50. So quickly create an account! Buy the nicest Eastpak backpack, laptop bag, clutch or weekend bag. Get acquainted with the sale and outlet at Maes & Hills and go online shopping. Take advantage of the bargains. And of course shipment is free* and you may return your purchases within 100 days if you are not completely satisfied. Shopping at Maes & Hills will be an unforgettable experience for you!
* Free from € 50,00