M&H Mid Season Deals 20% off! Code: MSD25

*Only applicable to non-discounted items and orders over €25,00.

Welcome to Maes & Hills loyalty program!

Thank you for your loyalty and trust in maeshillscollection.com. As a thank you receive 3 bonus points for every Euro spent with us. The bonus points can be redeemed as a discount on the following purchases. That makes online shopping at Maes & Hills even more enjoyable!

How do you save bonus points:


With every purchase you will receive bonus points on your account. How many bonus points you get for buying a particular item, we refer you to the details of this article.

Friends of M & H

Already a (friend) friend of Maes & Hills and would you also like to recommend us to your friends? If your friends open an account and like Maes & Hills on Facebook, they immediately receive 750 bonus points. These can be redeemed as a credit of € 7.50 for next purchases. And in addition, you also receive 750 bonus points for every account that your friend or girlfriend opens at Maes & Hills.

Product reviews on purchased items:

If you have purchased items from us, you can write a product review in your account. You get 100 bonus points for each product review.


To celebrate your birthday,  you will receive 1000 bonus points. These can be redeemed as a € 10.00 credit for your next purchases.

Redeem your bonus points

The accumulated bonus points will be awarded after payment and shipment of your order. You will only receive bonus points if your order is not returned.

If you want to redeem your bonus points, you can register with your email address and password befor the completion of your order. In the following payment module, please select "pay with bonus points."

Expiry of bonus points

Bonus points expire automatically after 1 year and after return shipments. You can see your current number of bonus points at any time in your account.