Winter sale 20% off! Code: WINTER25

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Trusted Shops Money-Back Guarantee

Trusted Shops

Trusted Shops is an approved certificat for online shops, founded in 1999. With over 25.000 certified online retailers, Trusted Shops is a leading trust brand in Europe. Trusted Shops requires online shops to commit to a code of conduct before awarding their European trustmark. With the combination of Trusted Shop's money-back guarantee and the seller rating system you can make online purchases with confidence. fulfils the over 100 review criteria defined by Trusted Shops, which include validity, price transparency, customer service, data protection and security of supply. Since August 2018, maeshillscollection belongs to the group of Trusted Shops certified companies. Trusted Shops is recommended by consumer protection and governmental institutions for secure online shopping.

The Trusted Shops certificate with integrated buyer protection also includes the Trusted Shops Money-Back-Guarantee, which you can activate free of charge with your order. With this insurance you can protect yourself against loss of payment in case of non-delivery or after the return of goods for 30 days, irrespectively of the chosen payment method. Just click the link „Money-Back-Guarantee“ after the order confirmation and register at the following page.